Description: A comprehensive, reliable data source specifically focused on the physical, psychological, social and economic well-being of older persons in four countries in sub-Saharan Africa (Ghana, South Africa, Tanzania and Zimbabwe). The MDS provides summary information for the population age 50-80+ on a variety of topics relating to aging.
Coverage: Ghana, South Africa, Tanzania , Zimbabwe.
- Population statistics (age structure, mean age, life expectancy with and without AIDS, dependency ratios, etc.)
- Adult HIV prevalence
- Number/percent of persons requiring daily care by 10-year age group, 50-80+
- Literacy rates and educational attainment by 5-year age groups, 50-80+
- Economic indicators by age group, 50-80+ (percent economically active, primary source of income, poverty ratios, etc.)
- Health indicators by age group, 50-80+ (self-rated health, physical inactivity, cause-specific mortality, tobacco and alcohol consumption, fruit/vegetable intake)
- Health services by age group, 50+ (use of health facility, traditional healer)
- Housing quality, age 50+ (main water source, main toilet facility, housing material)
- Family and household composition, age 50+ (marital status, household headship, percent living alone, percent with no family, percent with child living within one hour, etc.)
- Psychosocial, by age 50+ (percent reporting loneliness)
Years of data collection: Varies by source, 1991-2003
Data Availability: Publicly available
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