Description: An ongoing longitudinal survey in Indonesia designed to provide data for studying individual and household level behaviors and outcomes, as well as information from the communities where households are located and from facilities that serve residents of these communities. The sample is drawn from 13 of the 27 provinces in Indonesia, representing 83% of the population. A major focus of the survey, is on the health, economic and social functioning of the older population. As a result, the baseline survey design included interviews with just under 5,000 randomly selected individuals age 50 or over (plus their spouses) from each household that contained requisite members. In addition to the household interview data, the IFLS conducted a Community-Facility Survey to assess infrastructure quality and availability of services for health and school facilities. The community data can be linked to the household and/or individual-level data. The IFLS is part of a series of Family Life Surveys, which also includes studies in Malaysia, Guatemala, Bangladesh, and Mexico.
Coverage: Indonesia.
- Knowledge of health care providers
- Health service utilization
- Health insurance
- Health indicators (acute morbidity, ADLs, anthropometrics, physiological measures, physical performance)
- Tobacco consumption
- Labor earnings and work histories
- Household and individual assets
- Education and migration histories
- Marriage and pregnancy histories
- Links with non co-resident kin
- Transfers and borrowing
- Household decision making
- Community support network
- Self-treatment
- Consumption
Age Range of Sample: All ages
Sample Size:
1993 – 7,224 households; 22,347 individuals; 4,958 age 50+
1997 – 7,698 households; 26,537 individuals; 5,278 age 50+
1998 – 1,908 households, 8,280 individuals
2000 – 10,435 households; 38,433 individuals; 6,097 age 50+
2007/08 – not yet available
Years of data collection: 1993/94, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2007/2008
Data Availability: Publicly available; registration required to download data
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